Section H Errata

Reworded and clarified H3.60:
(H3.60) Cargo Supply. Outposts are universal and may resupply any GP ships, without the need for expeditionary fees, however if the neutral status (H3.16) is removed then expeditionary rules go into effect. Supply is automatic and will happen without any need for control of the decision. If at any point there is not enough cargo capacity for all empires that need it, then the decision for which ships to be resupplied is based on who built the majority of the MBs. Upgraded bases will always be supplied first (H3.30). Note: Only the GOBs can use cargo for the supply described in (H3.70).

Add new rule:
(H3.75) Any unit in a hex adjacent to an outpost may resupply (fill) its own cargo boxes. Each cargo box supplied (filled) deducts one from the GOB pool of cargo boxes as if it were supplying a ship.

Append to H4.70: This ability doesn't work in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Minor tweaks to H4.85 to allow for mothballing:
c) A single SC2/3, or 2xSC4 can be scrapped/mothballed each turn (B5.90) at a facility located at a system of any nationality (including neutral).

New case to H4.85:
g) If a mothballed ship is not in supply (F8.0) its supply ticker will advance.