Typos and Other Boo-boos

Missing Cross References

Add B4.25 reference to B4.20
(B4.20) CW and DW class ships (exception: (B4.25a)) as well as independent gunboats (PFs and INTs) and independent fighters may not enter unsurveyed hexes (T3.0).
Add reference to F9.0 in D4.70:
(D4.70) MX Destruction. An MX is destroyed when an enemy front crosses it (F9.0).
Add reference to F9.0 to F7.30:
(F7.30) Bases Blockaded. Bases cannot suffer from degradation if in orbit around a system. Each turn in a blockade degrades an open-space base. Blockading an open-space base allows an empire’s front (F9.0) to advance over it and bottles up enemy units hiding at the base.

Faulty Cross References

(C7.20e) reference should be (T5.120) not T5.12)).
(C7.40) reference (C7.110)) should be (C7.110).

Other Glitches

Assorted extra ")" and similar errors omitted.
(B8.300) DWSY entry refers to B8.71 instead of B8.72: DWSY (B8.0, B8.72) - scrap DW (B5.90), repair DW (D3.0), build non-X DW hulls, repair shock to DWs (D22.0), refit DW (B9.80), convert DW hulls to another (non-X) DW type, convert foreign DW hulls to native tech (D14.0)
(D11.30f) Spelled sergeant not Sargent.
(D11.40) Chart: Spelled sergeant not Sargent.
(D18.90b) you mix decimal and fractional multiplication. [Editorial note- true, but spelling out as 0.6 with a bar over the 6 is likely to be confusing, and 0.66, 0.666, 0.667, or 0.6666 are just going to confuse things as well.]
(D21.70) The "(xRef)" text is a left over reminder to make a proper cross reference to another rule that was fixed some other way.
(F4.70) example 3 has "and" instead of "have". Correct text: Example 3: The Klingons field a squadron- C9, D5G, MD5, 2xF5. If they had neither REFO, nor EFO, it would be legal.