Disclaimer: Grammar, punctuation, and word choice has been adjusted somewhat but expect some areas that are not polished.

Harmonic Shields III (HS-III)

Summary of Harmonic Shields levels:
I- in rulebook; bases only.
II- in rulebook; ships; same cost.
III- see below.

This enhanced version of Harmonic Shields applies to ships.

Add new rule:
(T5.140) The starting the turn adjacent to an UnNav hex condition of (T5.20) no longer applies to X2 ships. They no longer need to stop before entering an UnNav hex from a non UnNav space hex (X1 and lower tech ships still have to stop). Instead, an X2 ship with harmonic shields may move into a UnNav hex at any point during the turn. If it is done mid-turn (vs. as its first move), it triggers an immediate emergency deceleration (Strategic Stop, C2.70) in the first UnNav hex encountered (with excess Speed converted to RX). There is no cost to upgrade from HS-II to HS-III and all existing ships with HS-II automatically gain HS-III when it is developed. The cost to install HS-III on a ship is unchanged from the HS-II cost.

This tech is only available after a successful R&D program (D1.0).