Disclaimer: Grammar, punctuation, and word choice has been adjusted somewhat but expect some areas that are not polished.

Improved AI (I, II, III, IV)

(D10.45) Improved AI (Levels I, II, III, IV)
This tech reduces the chances of a computer operated ship (D10.30) malfunctioning in combat. If a computer controlled ship fails the check for combat (D10.30), this technology gives a 25% chance per level that the ship immediately leaves the squadron/combat (this is an exception to (A6.35)) and ceases movement for the turn. On the following turn it returns to the nearest starbase/major system controlled by the owning empire at its best speed. The ship can't initiate combat while in this "return to base" state and is treated as if it had a poor crew (D10.50) if forced into combat. It takes 1 segment at a SB/major system to reprogram the computer. This reprogramming doesn't use any repair capacity (D3.40). The ship may be reassigned to another squadron the turn after reaching the destination. This technology can be put on a current computer operated ship as a refit for a +25% EPV cost. New computer operated ships cost an additional 25% to build for a net surcharge of +75%. Ships with this refit will have a suffix of "$" (example: CAco$).

Level I → 25% of time ship leaves combat and returns to a major system for reprogramming, 37% it switches sides , 38% it self destructs.
Level II → 50% of the time ship returns to system, 25% switch sides, 25% self destructs.
Level III → 75% of the time ship returns to system, 12% switch sides, 13% self destructs.
Level IV → Ship automatically returns to base

This tech is only available after a successful R&D program (D1.0).