Disclaimer: Grammar, punctuation, and word choice has been adjusted somewhat but expect some areas that are not polished.

Prime Teams II: Commando Teams

(D12.60) Prime Teams II: Commando Teams When a unit has a commando on board it will have a COM-xx notation after it Example: CL(COM-01).
This is an R&D program (D1.0) and Prime Teams (D12.50) must be successfully researched first.
Commando Teams are created and trained as prime teams (D12.51) up until their 4th turn of training. On the fourth turn of Prime Team training if you designate "commando specialization" then that final turn the Prime Team will become a Commando Team.

(D12.62) Commando Team Capabilities:

(D12.63) Commando Team Limitations.
An empire may only have a number of Commando Teams equal to half the number of major systems it controls (for this purpose, minors do NOT count as half a major). This is independent of Prime Teams so a 10 major empire could have 5 Prime Teams and 5 Commando Teams.
If an empire loses enough major systems that there are more Commando Teams in service than would be currently allowed, the empire may not create any additional ones until it gains enough systems to support the current Commando Teams and the additional desired Commando Team. Current Commando Teams do not retire.

(D12.65) Commando Teams may escape destruction in battle (See (D11.81)).