Red Hex = Unnav Space (A200.0)
Green Hex = Radiation Zone (A300.0)
Dark Gray = Unsurveyed space (B3.0)
Racial Color = Each race has been assigned a color for the hexes of their space. This has made it much easier to distinguish who is who on the map. This is so called "Open Space".
Light Gray Lines = Trade Routes. Again this has made it easier to determine ownership of space where a trade route crosses a border. (add and moving borders using line in Cyberboard is cumbersome)
Mines = The little box/chevron with a tail. The tail should point into a hex of the owning player.
A large red number (1-4) in the middle of a hex: The countdown indicates a hex has been struck by an extra-galactic Andro weapons that appears to convert any hex into an Unnav hex (A200.0). + - A hex with a "+" in it contains a minor system. They produce some income (and can be raided even if there isn't a trade route present) and with further investment can be upgraded into...
O - A hex with an "O" in it has a major system. These systems produce much more income than a minor system. Without a trade route, they produce as much as a minor system (but other rules that scale with major system counts treat them as a major system).
* - If there is a base in the Open Space hex, it will be shown with this symbol. Exactly what type of base it is you'll have to get near enough to figure out. These hexes may also be raided. Note that hidden bases do not show up on the map.
Dark Grey hex- Unsurveyed space (B3.0). This is space that most military ships can enter (except the "War" classes). With years of effort, survey ships can turn it into an income producing system, or with a few months of work a scout can just incorporate it into the empire.
White hex- Surveyed space (also known as "Open Space"). Most empires have areas of space that have minimal interesting "stuff" in them.
Light Grey hex- Surveyed space with a trade route in it. These are major convoy routes and suitable (if you are an invader) for commerce raiding. Think of this as a part of the USA's Interstate system or any country's rail system. Some areas are simply space that you traverse to get to other places, others have even more interesting things in them.
+ - A hex with a "+" in it contains a minor system. They produce some income (and can be raided even if there isn't a trade route present) and with further investment can be upgraded into...
O - A hex with an "O" in it has a major system. These systems produce much more income than a minor system. Without a trade route, they produce as much as a minor system (but other rules that scale with major system counts treat them as a major system).
* - If there is a base in the Open Space hex, it will be shown with this symbol. Exactly what type of base it is you'll have to get near enough to figure out. These hexes may also be raided.
Bright Green hex- These are large radiation zones (A300.0). They are not intense enough to be harmful to organic life, but they interfere with sensors, minefields, and cloaking devices. Small areas of the hex are not radiation zones and may have bases in them.
Blue-Green hex- These areas are neutral zones between empires. Typically they are set up as a part of a cease fire or peace treaty.
Dot on a hex spine- A hex spine with a dot in it represents a minefield. The color of the dot matches the owning empire's color.
Solid line on a hex spine- A hex spine with a solid line along it is a border.
Lines in the middle of a hex - This is a front line as two empires (or sides) slug it out.