These are answers, errata, and examples for Galactic Conquest's version 6 rulebook.
New techs
These are based upon concepts that were not ready for Prime Time when the V6 rulebook was being drafted. Several have been added to the V6.2 rulebook, but are included here for reference.
Combat Enhancement Tech (CET)
Fleet Formation IV
Harbor Guard
ICR-Computers (more Computer Controlled Ships)
Improved AI (computer controlled ships are more reliable)
Prime Team II (Commandos)
Improved X Production (IPX)
X Fighters Infrastructure (XFTR-I)
Harmonic Shields III (HS-III)
Harmonic Shields IV (HS-IV)
Harmonic Shields V (HS-V)
Improved Trade Pact Tech (ITP-I & II))
Errata for version 6.2 rules
Errata for Section B
Errata for Section D
Errata for Section F
Errata for Section H
Errata for post version 6.2 rules
Errata for Section B
These are examples that apply to the V6 rules series (and generally older ones). They attempt to be a bit more exhaustive (i.e., try to cover more cases, including stacking) than those included in the published rulebook.
Electronic Warfare and SFGs
Unplotted movement (evasion, pursuit, station keeping)
Mixed movement (normal/HPM and DTM/TWM)
Clearing UnNav Space
Stacking X2 ships into X1 or non-X SQs
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