These are answers, errata, and examples for Galactic Conquest's version 6 rulebook.

New techs

These are based upon concepts that were not ready for Prime Time when the rulebook was being drafted.

Combat Enhancement Tech (CET)
Fleet Formation IV
Harbor Guard
ICR-Computers (more Computer Controlled Ships)
Improved AI (computer controlled ships are more reliable)
Prime Team II (Commandos)
Improved X Production (IPX)
X Fighters Infrastructure (XFTR-I)
Harmonic Shields III (HS-III)
Harmonic Shields IV (HS-IV)
Harmonic Shields V (HS-V)


Errata for Section A
Errata for Section B
Errata for Section C
Errata for Section D
Errata for Section E
Errata for Section F
Errata for Section H
Errata for Section T
Errata for Sequence of Play
Typos and Similar Glitches

Errata for version 6.2 rules

Errata for Section D
Errata for Section F
Errata for Section H


Unplotted movement (evasion, pursuit, station keeping)
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